Make it light

Ability to make and present things in a lighter manner is a unique skill

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Life seems uncertain so many times (almost always...!).
You think u move on to greener pastures only to see more challenges (problems).

There is this movie - "The Ultimate Gift" - wherein a grandfather gives his grandson a number of tasks to fulfill in order to gain his inheritance. There are a number of lessons learnt on the way. One is where the granpa says one must welcome problems as challenges to be overcome so that we will be stronger in future.

Many a times u face a problem alone. Good to have someone to share it with. Reminds me of the dog that gets up after being in dirt. It just shakes off the dirt vigorously.

Any further comments....

1 comment:

  1. I read somewhere that Uncertainty is Delicious Ambiguity.
    In order to make progress one must leave the door to the unknown ajar.
